Monday, August 30, 2010

It's 'Thank You' and 'You're Welcome' in Malay

I've just finished watching Mercy - one of the latest TV series in Malaysia. It's a cross between the serious ER and hilarious Scrubs. Because I hate waiting a week for a new episode, I downloaded the whole Season 1 from the Internet. No, not gonna tell ya the site here ;)

So, anyways. A short scene in this one episode, Episode 12 - Wake Up Bill, caught my attention. I was prouder to be Malaysian and a Melayu (Malay) for a moment there. MORE proud, okay? Don't get me wrong. It's not that I wasn't proud to be who I am before this. Just MORE proud. Prouder. *You gotta be more careful in what you write and say nowadays. If people get you wrong, you're gonna be in huge trouble.*

I've extracted the video and post it here. To my international readers, Melayu is a race mainly lives in Malaysia. And Bahasa Melayu (Malay Language) is our first language.

I have also seen and heard Bahasa Melayu being used in several other movies such as Anaconda 2 and Zoolander. Hope to hear it in more international movies to come. Congratulations.

p/s: I've always wanted to learn other languages such as French and Spanish.


Kuey san said...

whose writings did u copied from? ehem, doesn'r mean to offend but just curious ;p

ehem ehem.

Nik Mohd Amri Bin Nik Azmi said...

ko xperlu thu... wakakaka.. aku dah tgok abis gak mercy ni... aritu donlop tuk mmber aku... wakakaka..

Kuey san said...

bahaye kopi2 nih, kang tuan punya dapat tau kang, etika ye etika.

aku tgk house n gossip girl je. haha

Nik Mohd Amri Bin Nik Azmi said...

layan je.. nk saman ke?? saman je la.. xkisah pon.. wakakaka...

Gossip girl aku xlayan.. sama je ngan desperate housewife.. byk gile narrator..